Les méthodes que nous enseignons sont celles recommandées par les instances spécialisées de la médecine du sommeil. Elles suivent les recommandations internationales.
L'académie américaine de la médecine du sommeil a revu 52 études publiées sur le sujet. 94% d’entre elles montrent que les méthodes que nous enseignons améliorent les endormissements et réduit les réveils nocturnes. Le sommeil a été amélioré chez 80% des jeunes enfants. Le sommeil de l'enfant s'améliore, l'enfant est plus calme la journée et les parents retrouve un sommeil plus continue et des soirées plus calmes.
Lectures :
- -Adams LA, Rickert VI. Reducing bedtime tantrums: comparison between positive routines and graduated extinction. Pediatrics1989 ; 84(5) : 756–61.
- -Blunden SL, Thompson KR, Dawson D. Behavioural sleep treatments and night time crying in infants: Challenging the status quo. Sleep medicine reviews2011 ; 15(5) : 1–8
- -Burke R V., Kuhn BR, Peterson JL. Brief report: a "storybook" ending to children's bedtime problems--the use of a rewarding social story to reduce bedtime resistance and frequent night waking. Journal of Pediatric Psychology2004 ; 29(5) : 389–96.
- -France KG, Hudson SM. Behavior management of infant sleep disturbance. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis1990 ; 23(1) : 91–8.
- -Freeman K. Treating Bedtime Resistance with the Bedtime Pass: A Systematic Replication and Component Analysis with 3-Year-Olds. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 2006 ; 39(4) : 423–8.-
- -Minde K, Faucon A, Falkner S. Sleep problems in toddlers: effects of treatment on their daytime behavior. Journal of the American Academy of Child and AdolescentPsychiatry1994 ; 33(8) : 1114–21.
- -Mindell JA, Kuhn B, Lewin DS, Meltzer LJ, Sadeh A. Behavioral treatment of bedtime problems and night wakings in infants and young children. Sleep2006 ; 29(10) : 1263–76.
- -Montgomery P. The relative efficacy of two brief treatments for sleep problems in young learning disabled (mentally retarded) children: a randomised controlled trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood2004 ; 89(2) : 125–30.
- -Morgenthaler TI, Owens J, Alessi C, et al. Practice parameters for behavioral treatment of bedtime problems and night wakings in infants and young children. Sleep2006 ; 29(10) : 1277–81.
- -Reid MJ, Walter AL, Leary SGO. Treatment of Young Children ’ s Bedtime Refusal and Nighttime Wakings : A Comparison of “ Standard ” and Graduated Ignoring Procedures. Journal of abnormal child psychology1999 ; 27(1) : 5–16.